Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Icons, Image, Word

St Stephen's Church, Pinelands

Before anything was ever written down about Jesus of Nazareth, his disciples must have enjoyed being in his presence as a person; to not only hear his words, but to look upon his face and feel the energy of his authentic Self and soul. For them (as for us) Jesus embodied God as no one and nothing else ever could. In Jesus they looked upon the face of God.

To gaze upon someone you love (and them upon you) is innate and so natural to being human. Photos fill not just our frames but also our hearts. We treasure the images of the ones we love. Icons try to capture something of the image of our ultimate love found in Jesus. The Word became flesh is what we believe. In the stillness of these sacred works may you not only hear but also catch a glimpse and see something of God. God, who in Jesus, is able to touch and hold you tenderly and very personally.

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