Saturday, March 5, 2011

Wednesdays during Lent

For five Wednesdays in Lent, St Stephen's Parish in Pinelands will be exploring different approaches to prayer. There are as many ways to pray as there are personalities. The 13th century Persian mystic and poet Jelaluddin Rumi said, 'There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground'...
From our Christian tradition, a classical definition of prayer is a life and heart that's open to respond to God. This definition is very helpful as it resists presenting God with a shopping list of wants, desires or needs. It implies that God is forever the initiator; God is the one who calls... The first and crucial step from our side is really to listen and then to respond. One of the Desert Fathers said, if you want to go on a spiritual journey, close your mouth. Listening is as much a part of prayer as talking is. Listen and then respond. Ego reacts whereas the soul responds.

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